Create Your Own TV Show

Have you ever wanted to make your own show?  Maybe you have great knowledge about a particular subject matter and would like share it with others?  WELL LOOK NO FURTHER!  AWCM offers free training to help develop you ideas, create a show and how to be a show host.  It’s as simple as joining our membership and attend training classes to make you ideas become reality!  Below are some boiler-plated show ideas.  See if one of the subjects below interests you.

Become a local producer and start sharing your ideas TODAY!

Give viewers a look into the history of the Ashburnham and Westminster area.  Topics could include; culture, historic events, famous places, people of our community, buildings, etc.

You could introduce our viewers to local artists, musicians, writers, etc. 

Bring a co-host and give your thoughts and opinions on music, television, movies, video games, etc.

Create a talk show with local doctors, nutritionists, psychologists to discuss everyday health issues and ways to live a healthier life.

Demonstrate to viewers easy workout routines as well as easy & healthy foods/snacks to help live a balanced and healthy life.

You could introduce our viewers to the coaches and athletes of local sports teams in both communities as well as local game results and standings.

Your show could feature hiking trails, fishing & hunting locations and tips, as well as on location demonstrations for the avid person who enjoys the outdoors.

This show could feature animal grooming, training, and health for various types of pets.  Talk with local vets & farmers about exotic animals, house pets, etc., to educate and inform owners and people considering ownership.

You can give our viewers insight to simple ways to be energy efficient in everyday life.

Showcase local people in the community to teach viewers things such as: arts & crafts, gardening, woodworking, auto mechanics, easy ways to go green, etc.

This show can target our young viewers to follow along with story time at our local libraries.

You can give our viewers instruction, tips and tricks to preparing simple dishes to everyday favorites and more. Come show off you skills whether its baking, grilling, frying, smoking and more!

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